Apr 24, 2011 - Lots Of New Projects Added!
I have been busy developing and have added almost 30 projects since the last news update just over a year ago. A few inactive sites have been removed as well. The majority of new projects have been completed whilst working at The Web in a Box. I started employment here in June 2010. My CV has finally been updated to reflect this.
16 new header images have been added to the site taken on my travels to Warwick, Cardiff and Prague. (one of my personal projects) is continually being improved and performing very well with over 9000 members. It has recently been moved on to a dedicated server.
Mar 14, 2010 - New Header Images
Twelve new header images have been added from recent photo's taken in Tenby, Scarborough and Bournemouth.
Aug 8, 2009 - New Projects Completed
It's been a while since my last update, but I have been busy and completed a number of new projects including flat xHTML/CSS sites and PHP/MySQL CMS driven sites. See the projects page for more details.
Also I have gone over a number of the sites in my portfolio to make sure they all meet XHTML 1.0 Strict guidelines using the W3C Markup Validation Service, which is reasonably reliable. There are only a few instances that the sites checked didn't validate such as when using Google Maps.
Finally please view which has been completely re-designed, more features added and the coding generally improved.
May 24, 2009 - Deepblue Records CMS
A CMS built using PHP and MySQL has been integrated into the Deepblue Records website. This will make updating the site much easier and the server more organised. Deepblue can now add (inc. artist and cover images), edit and delete discog items.
The discog items use a paging function and had to be carefully integrated with the previous static items. The latest 3 records are displayed on the homepage and random ones displayed in other areas of the site.
There is scope to extend the CMS in the future for other areas of the site.
Apr 16, 2009 - Site Fully Database Driven
This site is now fully database driven with a basic admin system. It is not updated that regularly, but I had some spare time so took the opportunity to put my skills into practice.
News items can be added, edited and deleted.
Gallery images can be added, edited and deleted split into albums.
The news admin uses a set of buttons that allow you to insert HTML tags into the textarea. This is based on JS Quicktags.
Security aspects have been considered even though they are not particularly required on the site. These include using the PHP functions htmlentities, sprintf and mysql_real_escape_string and session tokens on the forms to combat Cross-site request forgery (CSRF).
The following resources proved useful:
The site is XHTML 1.0 Strict compliant. The sitepoint article titled
"New-Window Links in a Standards-Compliant World" proved useful.
The .htaccess file has been improved to Redirect old indexed pages to new ones, Redirect non-www to the www version, Redirect index to root, Rewrite test.php to test.htm, and a couple more specific ones...
The following resources proved useful:
Other improvements include the addition of a favicon, robots.txt file, more header images, better Meta data, latest projects and a link to my StumbleUpon profile.
Hosting has been moved over to my Lunarpages account where unlimited add-on domains are possible.
Future work includes re-organising the scripts to fix the issue of "Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by ..." when uploading images. (sorted 17/05/09)
Also I plan to refresh my knowledge from University of object-oriented programming (OOP) and put it into practice.
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